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Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Updated- What's in my Bag?

Today I thought I'd do an updated version of my what's in my bag video. If you want to see the original video click here to see a very tanned Kat in Cyprus telling you the contents of her bag! I don't know why I enjoy watching these videos so much? I guess I'm just nosey! Anyway click below to see the video and I shall catch up with you all Tuesday!

Big love,


  1. Is it really sad that your videos have made me SOOOO excited to meet you. You're so damn lovely, and you always make me giggle in your videos. I haven't done one of these posts in so long, but I fear with the amount of receipts I have in my bag I may get severely judged on my sweetie consumption haha. Loved this :o) xx

    1. Aww this has made my day! I'm so gutted I missed the first meet up as I was so excited to meet you! Roll on the next one though :-). I think you should do a post now ;-). I'm nosey and love a sneak peek in friends handbags! Kat x


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