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Thursday, 29 May 2014

Wedding Edition: DIY Rustic Bohemian Wedding Thank You Cards

rustic thank you card

rustic thank you card

I think this may be my final Wedding DIY ladies and gents! This actually makes me feel a little bit sad as I've loved making everything and giving our wedding a real personal touch, not to mention saving money. It would be a crime if I let someone else make my wedding stationary when I'm a crafter at heart. So the final tutorial I have is our thank you cards. I wanted to create something simple, easy to make but pretty and in keeping with the theme of the other wedding stationary we have so here it is! If you want to make these yourself, follow the simple steps below.

You will need:
  • Double sided sticky tape
  • Paper doilie
  • DL size card with "Thank you" printed onto them
  • Pencil

Step 1
Fold card in half. Ensure that "Thank You" Has been printed low down on the card to ensure you can fold the card in half and still fit the print and doilie design onto the front of the card.

rustic thank you card

Step 2
Take a doilie and place over where you would like the design to be on your card. Turn the card and 
doilie over and draw the outline of the card onto the doilie. 

how to make a rustic thank you card

how to make a rustic thank you card

Step 3
Cut out the doilie and then stick the doilie onto the card using double sided sticky tape across the top of the doilie.

how to make a rustic thank you card

how to make a rustic thank you card

how to make a rustic thank you card

how to make a rustic thank you card

And that is it!

DIY rustic bohemian thank you card

These are again super simple and easy to make but look effective at the same time. They're extremely quick to make which is great for doing vast quantities for guests!

UPDATE 23rd March 2015: I am extremely chuffed that so many of you love this template and I have received increasing requests for the template I created in Word. Due to the number of requests I am happy to continue sharing the template but I am asking for a small fee of £2 to cover my time which can be paid via Paypal. If you would like the Word template I created, please leave a message in the comments below or email me at
I also have templates for the following:
-      Rustic Save the Dates
-      Thank you cards
-      RSVP Cards
Each template is £2 each or to purchase the entire package (including extra images) it’s £6.

Please note: My ‘DIY guide and template’ are for individual, private use and not to be used for distribution or resale. Many thanks

I hope you like this DIY and don't forget to check out my save the dates, wedding invitations and place card tutorials.

I've also done a video on this so check that out here:

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Wedding Edition: DIY Rustic Bohemian Wedding Place Cards

rustic wedding place card

rustic wedding place card

Hello lovelies! I'm sorry its taken me so long to get this post up, but with the wedding in roughly 8 weeks time (hehe!!), I've been concentrating my efforts on getting everything finished! Anyway if you're interested to see how I've made our place cards then here is my how to guide.

You will need:

  • Ruler
  • Prit stick
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Guillotine 
  • Double sided sticky tape
  • Doilies
  • Card

Step 1
Mark your card at 10cm in width and 7cm in length, then guillotine to size.

how to make rustic wedding place card

Step 2
Next measure and mark the card at 6cm and 7cm across the width. Take some scissors and score the marks using the guillotine.

how to make rustic wedding place card

how to make rustic wedding place card

Step 3
Fold the card along the scores- the first line back on the card and the next
line away from the card (as below).

how to make rustic wedding place card

Step 4
Take a doilie and place over where you would like the design to be on your card. Turn the card and 
doilie over and draw the outline of the card onto the doilie. Cut out the doilie and then stick the doilie onto the card.

how to make rustic wedding place card

how to make rustic wedding place card

how to make rustic wedding place card

how to make rustic wedding place card

Step 5
Cut a small piece of double sided sticky tape and stick onto the right hand side of the card.

how to make rustic wedding place card

how to make rustic wedding place card

Step 6
Next take a spare piece of card and guillotine into a triangle shape. (I didn't do an exact measurement for these as they're purely to stand the place cards up.) Then take the triangle and score a small fold along the length of the triangle and fold.

how to make rustic wedding place card

how to make rustic wedding place card

how to make rustic wedding place card

how to make rustic wedding place card

Step 7
Cut a small piece of double sided sticky tape and stick onto the back of the
triangle before adhereing to the place card.

how to make rustic wedding place card

how to make rustic wedding place card

Step 8
Peel off double sided stick tape and apply the wedding favour. Add a name label, and you're done!

These are really simple place cards to make with a rustic bohemian feel which matches in with our save the dates and wedding invites. I hope you like them and if you do decide to make these, tweet me a photo!

I will be doing a thank you card tutorial next, so stay tuned for that! Don't forget to check out the video on how to make these too! ^_^


Sunday, 18 May 2014

Bohemian like you

I hope you're all having a lovely weekend! I hear the weather in the UK has been nice and I must admit I would love to be in a country pub garden right now!

Chris took a few impromptu shots of me today whilst out with the hound and I thought hmm.. Outfit post! 

Trousers- from a holiday shop in Cape Verde (no label!)
Top- h&m
Sunglasses- Ray Bans

I know these trousers won't be to everyone's taste but I love them. They're an easy thing to chuck on and wear on hot days where you don't fancy your legs out and don't went to melt! It's been super windy here so they're ideal for breezy days. The cut and the pattern give a really bohemian feel and I think they look great with a pair of espadrilles or flip flops chucked on. Effortless but jazzy. 

What have you worn this weekend in the sun? Do you have some jazzy bottoms too?


Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Furry Friend TAG

So today I thought I'd officially introduce you to my pets by doing the furry friends tag. I don't usually like TAG videos, posts etc but I watched the lovely Stephanie from Stephanie Dreams video on her YouTube channel Stephanie Dreams Blog and felt oh so inspired! I'm going to be a super cool pet lady now I know.. Aaand I've kind of done it on both my animals because I'm just OH so cool!

1. What is your pets names?

Our dog is called Harry and our cat is called Zara (after the shop)

2. What kind of pet is it and what breed?

Harry is a springer spaniel crossed with a pointer, at least that' what we think! And Zara isn't any particular breed so we'll call her a Cypriot special ;-)

3. How long have you had your pets? 

We've had Zara 8 months and Harry 7!

4. How did you get your pet? 

Well we movd to Cyprus in September 2013 and knew there are a lot of stray animals here, although we didn't realise just how many. We were coming out of our local mall and Zara was i the car park and came meowing up to me. She was scrawny, scruffy, very hungry and just looked so helpless I scooped her up and took her home. We'd only been living here a maximum of two weeks when we got her and I didn't even like cats but I fell in love with her! We brought her home, fed her up and took care of her and now shes a lovely healthy girl. We called her Zara after the shop as there was a Zara shop at the mall we found her at, so obviously she was shopping...

The day we brought Zara home!

Harry was another sad story. He was a stray taken to a pound and was due to be put down. There was nothing wrong with him but the pounds get so full and inundated with strays they put them too sleep. I's so awful! Thankfully the day he was due to be put down a local lady who fosters dogs came in to see if there were any dogs she could foster and she chose Harry! She advertised him on a local Facebook page and again we fell in love. I have always always wanted a springer spaniel and it was fate I swear. Yes he's not a full springer but he's such a lovely boy!

5. How old are your pets? 

Well as they're both strays we don't know for definite but the vet gauged their ages and Harry is now about 18 months old and Zara is coming up to a year.

6. What are some quirky things about your pets personality? 

Harry never barks, he's such a quiet little hound and loves a tummy tickle as most dogs do. He weirdly doesn't cock his leg when he pees!? But maybe he's still in puppy mode, who knows!

Zara is a weirdo haha. She loves to sit and paw my fluffy dressing gown. I swear its like crack for cats or something, she looks SO happy when she does it!

7. What does your relationship with your pet mean to you?

My animals mean the world to me. It sounds really sad but they've been such great company whilst settling into living in a different place and also when Chris is away. I also feel so privileged to know we rescued them from potentially terrible fates and given them a loving home to be happy in. 

8. What are some of your favourite past times with your pets? 

With Harry I love rubbing his belly and sharing a bag of cheese puffs with him (a treat from time to time) and going on log walks in the sunshine and paddling in the sea!

With Zara I love cuddles, watching SATC (oh yeah) and taking naps together.

9. What nicknames do you call your pet? 

We have more names for Harry which are: Hazza, Harold, Dunstable, Chocolate hound, Chocolate Dragon, Barry, Harry bon Barry

Zara: Kitty, Z, Zar Zar

Zara has been featured on Cats of Instagram- yes I am THAT cool haha!

Well I hope you liked this TAG post, I couldn't not do it quite frankly. I love my animals so much, they are now part of our little family and I would never be without them. If you do this tag please link me in the comments below and check out my Instagram account for more pet photos :-)

I've also ode a YouTube video:


Thursday, 8 May 2014

The Swing Dress Styling

Hello lovely people! It's been too long since I did a post, I've missed blogging so much! My reasoning for being MIA is due to guests staying and we have a couple more coming the end of the week for two weeks!

Today's post is on this ASOS swing dress (buy here) which I am absolutely in love with. It's sucha versatile piece so I thought I'd show you two ways I would style it..

Look 1- Evening

ASOS black and white swing dress

ASOS black and white swing dress

ASOS black and white swing dress

ASOS black and white swing dress

ASOS black and white swing dress

ASOS black and white swing dress

ASOS black and white swing dress
Shoes- New Look
Dress- ASOS
Rings- H&M
Bracelet- gift
Necklace- Fiona Jones Jewellery
Bag- Primark
Anklet- Thomas Sabo

When this dress arrived I was surprised that it was cotton, as on the website it didn't look it. Yes I should have read what material it was but hey ho, regardless I still think it can be worn of an evening. A simple clutch bag and heels instantly give it a sophisticated look, paired with some simple jewellery.

Look 2- Festival Chic

Boots- New Look
Dress (as before)
Headband- Umberto Giannini
Bracelets & Ring- H&M

This is something I imagine to wear to somewhere like Coachella (I can dream), as a chic festival outfit. Something a bit more understated than the usual floral head pieces and tiny tiny shorts. The tassle boots and headband instantly give this piece look bohemian feel and the fabric really lends itself to the casual style in this look.

Although this dress is pretty baggy and I have boobies, I think this dress is pretty flattering, especially for anybody with a good set of pins! How would you style it and are you loving swing dresses as much as I am?


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