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Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Coastal Cottage Weekend Vlog

Afternoon all! Did you have a good Easter? Full of chocolate? Yeah me too. My stomach has descended from the sheer weight of chocolateness - pretty!

Anyhow I scuttled off to Suffolk about a month ago and I've finally felt up to editing the footage. I went with Chris, our friends Emma and Gareth and our doggies and had such a great time!

I'll be posting about our fabulous cottage retreat and a fab resturant we found over the next week or so, so make sure you stay tuned for that! But for now, enjoy the vlog below:

Have you had any weekends away this year?

Friday, 25 March 2016

Where on earth have you been?

That's a bloody good question! Where have I been??

Well, I've been ill and it's been rather rubbish as I feel like March has slipped away far too quickly for my liking but I'm back and I'm raring to go with lots of posts and exciting things to share with you.

If you follow me on Instagram, I've been keeping up posting on there to satisfy my pretty picture needs and to compensate for my lack of blogging. Look! See!

And I did manage to pop up a pre-recorded video on my channel called Spring Small Collective Haul which you can click and watch below:

So that's where I've been basically! I'll be putting up a vlog and post on my trip to Suffolk next week which I hope you enjoy, plus there'll be some foodie posts coming up too.

How have you been?

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Empties Video

I've really gotten into empties videos of late. It's interesting to see what products people use to the bitter end and to see what their verdict is so I thought I'd join th band wagon too!

Click the video to see what products I've used to the very end and let me know what you think.

See you Friday loves,

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