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Monday, 10 March 2014

The Wedding Edition: DIY decor for a rustic wedding

Hello hello! I've been missing for a few weeks due to my recent visit back home. It was so good to get back to the UK for a bit of normality and familiar faces, not to mention some crafting for the July wedding!


The Table Centrepieces

Wooden Heart Plate- The Range
Hessian Bottle- home made
Congratulations ribbon- Hobby Craft 
Tea light jar- up-cycled dessert dishes
Petals- the range
Foam Flower- Hobby Craft

I'm particularly chuffed with these centre pieces as I think they fit really well with our rustic theme for the wedding. I was originally looking for logs to place the wine bottle and tea light on but came across these wooden heart plates in The Range and thought they'd be perfect (not to mention a bit more sanitary than logs!) My Nan has been saving jars for me for months for the wedding and these little dish ones seemed perfect for tea lights, teamed with ribbon perfect for the occasion! I can't however take credit for the making of the wine bottles... My mum's partner's daughter (what a mouthful) also got married recently and asked if we'd like the bottles along with some other decorations she no longer wanted. I was so chuffed and thought up-cycling the bottles would be perfect for the theme, why didn't I think of these? Another great DIY.

General Decoration

 Cardboard letters- Hobbycraft

 White wicker heart- The Range
Plain Wicker heart- QDs

Painting cardboard letters of you and your husband or wife to s a simple DIY but also effective and ensures the colour scheme is kept to. I used acrylic paint that dries matte for our letters and didn't fuss too much on the application as I wanted them to look rustic. The cardboard also helps with the effect.

The wicker hearts were easy to pick up and decorate. I used foam flowers dotted around a few of them to add a bit of extra something.

Jug- QDs
Corn- From a field!
Fake  lavender- eBay

I thought these jugs really lend themselves to the rustic country feel and again are easy to pick up. I managed to get some corn last year before the harvest from a local farmer and the great thing is it keeps! These will look great dotted around the marquee but also for outside decoration.

The Hangers

 Hangers (set of two)- Poundland
Jewellery wire- Hobbycraft
Faux flower- Wilkinsons
Acrylic Paint- Hobbycraft
Blackboard Paint- Wilkinsons

This is probably my favourite DIY I've done for the wedding. I love photographs of the dresses all hung up the day of the wedding and why not frame them with beautiful hangers? These were super simple, drawing the letters on paper then bending the wire to shape the letters. I used jewellery wire but you can use florist wire, just ensure it is easy to bend and shape for your letters. Once it was bent I cut the excess wire to fit the length of the hanger before drilling a hole. I then painted the hangers in acrylic paint, hot glued the wire into place and wound the faux flower around the wire. Voila! For the groom's it was slightly different in that instead of a flower he had a little black bow tie and black painted collar. As you can see some are better than others but practice makes perfect and they have a lovely home made touch. All of these were super simple and effective and also make a nice reminder or present to the wedding party.

So those are just some of my wedding DIYs. I don't want to post them all now as it'll spoil the surprise of the day but rest assure there will be plenty more ideas and inspiration for you once my day has passed! Any questions on the decor, please comment below!


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