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Friday 31 July 2015

Update and taking a break...

As the title states, I’m taking a little break from blogging and YouTube. I’ve decided to give myself the month off to re-charge my batteries and come back in September with fresh content. I adore blogging and making videos but recently I realised I’ve been posting two blog posts and 1-2 videos a week for 14 months solidly and I’m actually quite tired! Everyone deserves a little rest and I don’t want to get to the stage where I’m just churning out utter rubbish just to meet my own OCD deadlines or worse- crash and burn. 

If you follow me on social media, you’ll know I recently went to the amazing festival that is Secret Garden Party. I really wanted to get that up before this break but in order to do it justice I’m pushing it back to September so keep your eyes peeled for that one. I’m also heading to Summer in the City in August which I’m SO excited about and I’ll no doubt be vlogging it. How can I not vlog a YouTube event!? So this will also be up early September for you all.

Writing this feels like one of those awkward it's not you it's me break ups but I honestly just need some time to let my small brain rest! I even made an awkward YouTube video about it *cringes.*

I hope you understand and have an amazing rest of the summer. I shall see you in September with exciting autumnal stuffage.

Big love,

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