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Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Fuck it if they talk

Jacket- All Saints (old)
Sunglasses- Primark

Photos by Clashing Time

Okay first of all can we all just take a moment to appreciate the quality of Pippa's camera? I have serious camera envy people! She's also a beaut for taking some outfit snaps for me too.

You may recognise this swing dress from my Cali Beach Vibes post back in January. I told you it was versatile! I basically threw this outfit on in a blind panic for an event and it proved to be a good choice what with the weather being hot and cold during spring. The All Saints Jacket and aviators add to the grungey girl look me thinks. God I love that jacket- total investment that has definitely paid off. If you want a beautiful leather jacket, look no further than All Saints. Expensive? Yes. Worth it? Absofuckinglutely. 

I know this isn't a particularly colourful spring look but to be honest I don't even care.

Peace out.


  1. That jacket is gorgeous, I love how it drapes. London always makes such a beautiful backdrop too! x

    Laura | Loved By Laura

    1. Thank you lovely lady! It sure does, I want to do more outfits there :-) xx

  2. Ha! great jacket - lovely your 'tude as well!

  3. Lovely post :) thanks for the mention of my camera, it loves you too! xx

    1. Hehe no problem at all. Thank you for being my photographer Pips :-) xx


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