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Tuesday, 31 March 2015

London: Shopping, Wine and Afternoon Tea

A couple of weeks ago myself, my mothership and the sister all met up in London town for a Mothers Day get together. We started off in Covent garden and perused the beautiful market displays and quaint little shops such as Sass & Belle

sass & belle covent garden

covent garden market

covent garden market

I love the atmosphere of Covent Garden and don't really care that its typically touristy- it's bloody lovely! After oohing, arring and lots of buying, we found our tummies grumbling so popped for liquid lunch at Wildwood. The food was delicious, the wine too and it was lovely to catch up in a relaxed environment. Their burgers are delicious!

wildwood resturant covent garden

burger wildwood resturant covent garden

We then headed over to The Kitchen by the Tower of London and indulged plenty! It's a quirky kind of venue, with bright colours mixed with traditions of British afternoon tea (and eclectic music too), getting you away from the hustle and bustle of London. We had a marvellous spread of delicious sandwiches, cakes and scones to choose from along with a nice glass of champagne each and tea. Oh and more wine- why not?  

the kitchen tower london
Photograph source: The Kitchen

the kitchen tower london
Photograph source: The Kitchen

afternoon tea the kitchen tower london

afternoon tea the kitchen tower london

All in all it was a wonderful way to celebrate mothers day with my two favourite females and I can safely say we were all a tad tiddly by the end!

I also vlogged the day in London with my mothership and sister! We had a lovely time with plenty of giggles and the mention of a "crusty crease" which is all revealed in the video ; )

How do you spend quality time with your family?


  1. i miss london so much, your photos are lovely!

    xx danielle // shades of danielle

    1. Aww thank you! London is the best! I try and get there as much as I can xx

  2. Ooh I love a bit of cream tea, so British! You really have beautiful pictures!

  3. These are such lovely photos!!!! very very lovely post. And food looooooks all so yummy

  4. Will have to look out for The Kitchen when I next go to London :)


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