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Friday, 17 October 2014

Autumn Hair- The braided headband

photo of braided headband

photo of braided headband

photo of braided headband

Braids have been a big trend this year, with milkmaid and fishtail styles being at the forefront. I really did adore milkmaid braids but with no fringe and a larger forehead, I found them hard to pull off!

As Autumn is well and truly here, I thought I'd continue the braid trend into the winter months, so whilst playing around with my hair one morning, I came up with this! It's kind of similar to the crown braids but simpler and only spans half way round your head. It consists of a plait each side of your head, crossing over and being pinned on the other side. Easy Peasy!

I think it's a really pretty autumnal alternative to foral crowns and would look lovely with a wool hat propped above it. It's also a great style if you're like me and have hair ll one length to add a bit of interest to your hair.

What do you think to this style? Are you rocking anything different for AW14?

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