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Monday, 26 August 2013

My month in photographs...

I've never done one of these "week in photos" type posts and not entirely sure what you write but thought I'd do a "month in photographs" due to my lack of posting although I have good reasons why!

Since Secret Garden Party life has been go go go and although I have finished my job I've been frantically trying to tackle the many tasks which come with:

-wedding planning
-moving abroad

I'm moving to Cyprus for three years in three weeks time! I'M SO EXCITED! But with this has come a lot of planning and organising as well as trying to sort the wedding for next July whilst we are still here so hopefully there won't be too much to do when we come back for it next year! As well as this there's packing up my life and buying bits for the house whilst trying to fit in seeing all the loved ones before I fly. I think I'm tackling it all pretty well at the moment but that's my reasons for blogging being on the back burner!

As you can see I'm making bits for the wedding and plan to do some wedding related posts and YouTube videos very soon, hopefully this week! I even tried my hand at baking (although I'm not great) after having a random urge to bake a cake. Lets just say ill never be a domestic goddess when it comes to baking.... Anyway I miss blogging and hope I can get back into the swing of things once life has calmed down a bit.

Hope everyone's had an amazing bank holiday. I've got a rather raspy voice from partying hard! Life is good :-).


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