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Sunday 12 April 2020

The Shift Worker Skincare Routine

Many of you won't know that I started shift work at the beginning of the year and with that I've been conscious of the fact that night shifts will take a toll on my skin...

Shift Worker Skincare Routine

For me, I'd describe working night shifts like being on a plane followed by jet lag. My skin also seems to behave as if it's one a plane- drying out over the duration of the flight (shift) whilst also presenting some lovely spotty friends which is something I don't usually suffer with annoyingly.

Shift Worker Skincare Routine

With that in mind, the first thing I've done is reduce my make-up wear.

The Body Shop seaweed oil control lotion review

Light Make-up

Wearing a foundation for long periods of time doesn't usually bother my skin but come a night shift it reacts very differently so I've taken to eradicating it altogether. Instead I use my usual moisturiser - the Body Shop Seaweed Oil-Control Lotion. The oil control lotion is a godsend to anyone like me who has an oily complexion. Being oil free you can ensure you're still getting your mositure boost without adding to the spot situation. Into the oil contorl lotion I add some Rimmel Sunshimmer Instant Tan to give me a bit of a glow and colour to my pasty night shift face.  Teamed with a light brow and some mascara, I'm good to go on the make-up front and my skin is happily moisturised, glowing and can breathe!

Post night shift skin care

After a night shift my skin is confused. What day is it? Where am I and what am I meant to be doing? I think this explains why its dull, tired and just generally p*ssed off but since discovering The Ordinary Retinol, it's perked up no end and gives it it's glow back.

The Ordinary Retinol 1% Squalene review

I've started off using the 1% in squalene initially whilst my skin gets used to the retinol. It's known to irritate skin until it builds up a tolerance but over time the benefits of reducing fine lines and skin aging are totally worth it! The Ordinary Retinol does contain oil, however I've found this has really helped my skin in this instance, albeit oily by nature as it reduces the irritation and peeling effects from occuring. I'm planning to work my way up to the 0.5% retinol and then the 1% after once my skin has built up a tolerance but I've definitely noticed the difference it has brought to my skin. It's glowy, youthful and healthy even after a 15 hour night shift!

As I'm now in my thirties, I'm conscious of my eye area beginning to age, especially now I work nights! Working shift can take a real toll on your body and one of the places I really don't want it to show is around my eyes.

The Body Shop Drops of Youth Bouncy Eye Mask Review

With that, I've taken to using the Drops of Youth Under Eye Mask in between night shifts. With cucumber extract in, I find this under eye mask incredibly soothing and helps to reduce post night puffy eyes- the tell tale signs of any night shift. I've also noticed it's helped to reduce the dark circles under my eyes and helps to make my eyes feel revived and refreshed!

So these are just a few things I've implemented into my skincare routine now that I work shifts. If you have any products, tips or tricks that you've adopted as a shift worker, I'd love to know what they are!

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