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Friday, 19 February 2016

Boston Tea Party

If you've watched my most recent vlog, you'll know Chris took a trip to the West Country and began our adventures in the beautiful city of Bath.

Our friends have recently moved there (lucky buggers) and took us to their new favourite brunching venue - Boston Tea Party.

Located in the heart of Bath, this modern eatery was alive the hustle and bustle of happy chitter chatter from families and friends meeting up for a spot of brunch. Peaking under tables or sat at their master's side were four legged friends like this guy. Isn't he lovely!? 

The fellow diners loved him and the other hounds, coming up to say hello and stroking them on the way to their tables. Meg the pug particularly enjoyed the attention and made several new friends.

The main eating area was a beautifully lit garden room with large windows letting in bright sunlight that almost made you forget it was a chilly winters day outside. The décor was an eclectic mix of fabulous plants, rustic dressers and tins to hold cutlery mixed with brightly coloured chalkboards.

Feeling particularly peckish from our walk into town we were all ready to chow down on grub, but the possibilities of what to have were endless! Eggs came in whatever shape or form you desired and for our vegetarian friend there was also a great selection. It was inevitable we'd all go for eggs and my were they scrumptious and cooked to perfection. It was an eggcellent choice... Yeah I went there! They certainly weren’t shy on salmon either which pleased me immensely. All of the food served is ethically sourced and free range, which made me even happier to be eating here.

All the ingredients are locally sourced in the area, making it a hearty west country breakfast that was prepared beautifully.

 Our brunch was the perfect size, leaving us all wonderfully full but not over stuffed – not something you’d want for the hills in Bath!

I’ll definitely be returning here on our next visiting to Bath but I’ll be sampling the lunch menu as that looked just as epic as breakfast.

If you’re looking to go to BTP yourself, you’ll be pleased to know they have other venues in the West Country too like Bristol and Exeter, Salisbury, Plymouth and more! If you do venture to these let me know what you think!


  1. The Exeter one is divine too, just great food and a really laid back place.
    The Bath one clearly wins because of the pooches though, I don't know if ours is dog friendly. I MUST FIND OUT.
    M x Life Outside London

    1. I'd be very surprised if it wasn't dog friendly :-). It seems everywhere in the West Country is dog friendly compared to where I live! Really want to move there! xx

  2. That all looks so good - I love places full of character and anywhere that is friendly to our pets gets my vote too! Beautiful pictures lovely x

    Laura xx | Loved By Laura


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