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Monday, 11 November 2013

Flippy flops

Hey everyone, hope you're all well! I've been busy entertaining my lovely best friend who has sadly left island now. But I'm back to do more posts! This one being on flip flops...

Flip flops- Lee Cooper

So having recently moved abroad last minute it dawned on me that I hadn't bought any flip flops this year! The uk is never exactly amazing for summer weather so is decided to try and be a bit frugal this year.. I wish I hadn't! My last pair were from accessorize and I literally wore them down to the bone and Sod's law they're not selling them now! Damn you autumn winter..

So I opted for these bad boys which I picked up for £7 (reduced from (£24) from sports direct! Never even thought to try in there until my other half took me to get some sports wear. They're super super comfy with material between the toes (rubber hurts my tootsies!) and love the star design. The only thing I would say is perhaps I should had got a smaller size? I'm a size 6 but they seem really long in front of my toes? Also after a few weeks of wear the stars have started to rub off but it is only under my feet so it's not visible when on.

On a whole I like these flip flops for mucking about it but they're not overly feminine to go with dresses etc due to their size, thong thickness and sole thickness but for £7 you can't go wrong and they're soooooo comfy. Looking forward to a trip back to the uk for a major shopping trip next summer to stock up!

Hope you're all well,


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