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Monday, 8 September 2014

1st Wedding Anniversary

photo of anniversary bouquet

Has this blog title confused you? Let me guess, you're thinking Kat...your wedding was in July, how can it possibly be your 1st wedding anniversary? Well you are in fact correct in that our wedding was in July this year, however, we actually got married Friday 6th September 2013. Still confused? Okay.

As you may or may not know, Chris & I moved to Cyprus last September. He is in the military in case it's not obvious and was posted here. He actually volunteered to come but didn't want to come without little old me, (he's crazy) so we got married. In order for us to live together on the base in married quarters, you have to be married funnily enough or you can live off the base but it makes things ten times more difficult. Before you start panicking, we were always planning to get married so we didn't get hitched purely so I could come with him! It was an opportunity we didn't want to turn down.

With this in mind, we decided to have a private ceremony in our local registry office with our immediate family and then went for a meal afterwards. The ceremony was really special to us and we will always treasure that day. I didn't even wear a wedding dress, I actually wore the dress I'm wearing for our anniversary! Why not? It's a lovely dress and seemed almost fitting to wear it a year on, plus I didn't want to wear a big white dress that day as I felt it'd take away from the wedding we were planning as we still wanted to have a big white wedding but with all our family and friends.

With the time scale of when we got engaged and moving to Cyprus, it just wasn't going to be possible to have the wedding we wanted prior to moving so we decided we would put it on hold until the following year. Yes it's not the conventional way of doing things but it worked for us and we were happy. All our family and friends were on board and happy for us too which made things a lot easier.

Having an extra ten months to save, plan and prepare our second wedding really was what we needed to create the day of our dreams. And it certainly was that and more. I will be doing a blog post on that day as soon as I have our official wedding photographs. I have done a vlog and post of the prep a few days before but I'm saving the best til last!

Anyway onto our anniversary...

photo of 1st anniversary card

photo of 1st anniversary card

Unfortunately Chris had to work Saturday morning so I left this little card for him to find. It's tradition that the first wedding anniversary is symbolised by paper so it only seemed fitting to a) make a card and b) to make an origami heart card! 

photo of anniversary bouquet

When I got up I had the lovely surprise of this bouquet being delivered to the house. I really wasn't expecting them and went incredibly gushy and girly! They are so beautiful, I absolutely adore them.

photo of me and my husband on our 1st anniversary

photo of ted baker butterfly maxi and ark bag

photo of ted baker butterfly maxi and ark bag

photo of ted baker butterfly maxi and ark bag

Dress- Ted Baker
Bag- Ark
Bracelet- Thomas Sabo
Necklace- Fiona Jones Jewellery

That evening we spruced ourselves up for a celebratory meal. We do love our food so we picked an Italian called Il Gusto not too far from where we live. The food is absolutely to die for.

photo of main meal in Il Gusto Carob Mill Cyprus

photo of main meal in Il Gusto Carob Mill Cyprus

photo of decor in Il Gusto Carob Mill Cyprus

photo of wine in Il Gusto Carob Mill Cyprus

photo of decor in Il Gusto Carob Mill Cyprus

photo of decor in Il Gusto Carob Mill Cyprus

photo of dessert at Il Gusto Cyprus

photo of a Crème brûlée dessert at Il Gusto Carob Mill Cyprus

Just looking at the photograhs as I write this post is making me hungry again. It's like food porn! I went for a prawn dish as my main (the name escapes me) in a creamy garlic and cheese sauce with spinach. It was absolutely divine, I can't even put it into words. And for my dessert I went for a classic crème brûlée with a beautiful crispy top and light centre. Oh my it was so lush!

 I love this resturant. The service is amazing, constantly re-filling your glasses and so friendly too, they can't do enough for you. The restuarant is part of a chain known as Carob Mill so if you do ever find yourself in Cyprus I would highly recommend going to one of their restaurants, particularly Il Gusto. I love the decor as well, particularly the corks in the basket. I think I'd like to recreate something like that in our next home.

All in all our first anniversary was perfect and incredibly special. I didn't realise how exciting anniversaries are so if you have recently gotten married and perhaps got the post wedding blues, don't worry- anniversaries are awesome! We reminisced about our first year together as a married couple and celebrated just how we like with food and wine.

How do you spend your anniversaries?


  1. This was the cutest little story! I loved that he volunteered to go but not without you. You two are so cute - here's to many more anniversaries! :) X

    Tania |

    1. Aww thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed our story ^_^. xxx

  2. Aww you guys are so sweet! And your dress is very beautiful!

    1. Aww thank you ^_^. I love that dress- one of my faves! xx

  3. You are so cute couple! :) Wish you many more anniversaries!
    Our first anniversary was memorable with the great Italian restaurant, great Italian food and music, and ..... a baby in my lap :) It's been only 20 days after our daughter was born. so we took her with us and had a nice out ! This was actually her first fancy restaurant night out :))

    1. Oh how lovely, that sounds wonderful! Congratulations on the birth of your daughter too. You'll have lots of lovely memories to share :-) xx


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