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Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Glamping at North Star Club* | Travel

Deep in the depths of the Yorkshire countryside is a rather wonderful retreat known as North Star Club. Described as a form of glamping, Chris and I decided it was definitely worth a visit and set off north to God's own country.

Conveniently located between Beverly and York, this woodland get away is the perfect place to relax and unwind from the demands of a busy lifestyle.

The woodland experience consists of various suites with different names and themes. We went for the "Moon" suite and were delightfully greeted by Hygge, rustic interior to die for!

Moon Suite, North Star Club

Luxury Woodland Retreat, Yorkshire

The cabin works similarly to that of a hotel room, with staff taking away used cups and plates each day.

Yorkshire Glamping

North Star Retreat

There is no kitchen to cook in however there is a gas fired bbq- perfect for alfresco dining and again adding to the glamping experience. I was chuffed as the weather was perfect and in the middle of May, we had our first bbq of the year!

North Star Club Review

Luxury Woodland Retreat, UK

The interior was practical as well as aesthetically gorgeous, with touches such as carved wooden hooks to hang coats and tea towels and a cosy log burner for warmth and a rustic effect.

The overall feel of the cabin was really welcoming and intimate, making both Chris and I ready to snuggle amongst the trees and the stars.

There was little to no phone signal in the cabin and no entertainment such as a TV which meant Chris and I had to participate in the art of conversation! Joking aside, it was actually pretty lovely plus teamed with listening to the crackling of the fire in candle light, it was super relaxing and the perfect way to unwind.

Waking up in the woods was a pretty cool experience with the birds singing. The blackout curtains throughout the cabin could let you happily snooze in but being an early bird I greeted the spring sunshine and was soon outside enjoying it with none other than a proper Yorkshire brew!

Being a short drive from York, Chris and I decided to explore the city during our trip which you can see more of in my vlog but whilst at the camp, we took pleasure in reading, walking through the woods and generally enjoying our surroundings.

I absolutely adored staying at the North Star Club hidden retreat and will definitely be returning! I'd like to come back in the winter to fully appreciate the snuggle factor but at least during this stay we got to utilise the outdoor cooking and eating area. My only regret is that the club is not dog friendly, due to pheasants being bred and shoots taking place so if I had one wish it would be that Harry could have come. Perhaps if they introduced a rule of dogs strictly on a lead at all times this could be introduced as I'm sure many a canine companion would love this place!

You may notice theres been a distinct lack of food mentioned on this break but fear not- there is a separate post coming on a rather awesome place just a walk away from the club so be sure to check that out if you plan on staying here!

So that was my first glamping experience! Would I recommend it? Hell yes. Would I return? Absolutely!

Sunday, 21 May 2017

It's Our Sweet Beginning...

Oh hi everyone... I do still exist, I've just been away for a little while.. okay two months. 
*Inserts picture of Harry to distract you*

What happened? Well to be honest with you, life happened.  A lot of life happened from the end of March really when moving dates were being discussed and from then on it went a bit mental.

Needless to say we have bought a house!! And for the last month or so we've had no internet! So that's partly why I've been M.I.A, that and getting used to the new surroundings. It dawned on me when we moved in that I didn't really know where I'd moved to. I relied religiously on the sat nav to get me to work my first week but since then I have a rough idea of where abouts I am and how to get to places!

We've also have a sh*t tonne of visitor since we've been here so time has been limited to be a blogging socialite. But anyway what I'm trying to say is I'm back and hoping to get back in the loop with everything!

I'm hoping to do some home style and DIY posts now we're in the new gaff so stay tuned for those and get back to vlogging too!

I did manage to film a spring look book a few weeks back in between visitors so check that out here:

Anyway I hope you're all well and I shall speak to you soon!

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