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Tuesday 26 July 2016

Turn and Face The Strange | OOTD

Secret Garden Party 2016

I have major festival blues this week. Sunday marked another year of The Secret Garden Party and every year I feel a little lost once it's over. What do I do now? Do I really have to return to adulting?

Secret Garden Party 2016

Whilst I wonder what the bloody f*ck I'm doing with my life, I do love that SGP is a place you can fully express your style and individuality. You can be a glam festival gal or wear the most garish thing you own - it doesn't matter and I can guarantee you that you look cool as f*ck regardless of your style and taste. Normal clothes are just boring in the garden.

What to wear at a festival

I love these sunglasses. They're like marmite and most people I've asked think I either look like a martian or John Lennon wearing them. Either way I like them and that's the main thing. They're a quirky style and fun - what is not to love?

Festival outfit inspiration

As for my dress, this is a DIY ensemble by yours truly. Fashioned from a maxi, this dress has been re-invented into a bardot and how could I not add some pom pom tasselling? That ruffle was screaming out for some pom pom-ness.

Secret Garden Party 2016

And of course no festival get up is complete without some sequin make-up am I right? I actually did this myself and I'm tempted to do a tutorial for you savvy festival goers. It's shockingly easy and a lot cheaper than having it done by somebody else.

Secret Garden Party 2016

What to wear to a festival
Dress - Handmade
Flip flops - Vivienne Westwood
Bag - Accessoize (old)
Sunglasses - eBay
Sass - model's own

So, my point with this post is to turn and face the strange. Look it in the eye and embrace it. Whats the worst that could happen? Your style is fabulous so don't follow the crowd and be happy in what you wear.

Peace out.

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