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Friday, 16 February 2018

These are the games of the weekend

photo of She's A Gentry

Today felt like spring could well be on its way. The brilliant sunshine and a playlist of Stevie Wonder's greatest hits put me in the best mood and inspired to take some outfit snaps!

She's A Gentry
Top- H&M
Hat- Tobi *
Jeans- F&F
Boots- eBay
Bag- Radley
Coffee mug- Dotcomgifthop 

SS18 outfit idea

The poor old Instagram husband (otherwise known as Chris) got roped into taking some snaps for me and did so rather begrudging until I said we could go for a beer after! We actually ended up going to a pub we've always thought of trying and I'm so glad we did as it's bloody awesome! We're already planning to bike there in the warmer weather for a bevvy or two in the sunshine.

dotcomgiftshop travel mug

Tobi panama hat

I got this hat from Tobi* last month. When it arrived I panicked thinking f*ck it's such a winter colour,I'll only get a few months wear out of this max but I was wrong! After a rather successful peruse around H&M, I came across this floral beauty of a top with a colour palette that matches kinda perfect with my floppy hat of dreams and looks rather fab for spring! I love the colours and the cut of the top; making it comfy and easy to wear whilst appearing to have made some sort of effort. I must be getting old but comfy fashion is my thing nowadays! The hat itself is great, adding some warmth to the chilly weather and makes my outfit (dare I say it) look just that bit more...extra? Kinda hate myself for using that phrase...

spring outfit 2018

I'm unashamedly a fan of a bit of matchy matchy so may have brought my coffee mug out purely for some photos... It got chucked in the car immediately after and replaced with a cold glass of prosecco in the pub! I have to say though it is a little gem to have with you on the go, especially on frosty mornings.

She's A Gentry

Anyway sorry for the major photo spam but honestly Chris took so many photos I was happy with, I couldn't really pick! If anyone knows how I can win him round to actually enjoying taking outfit photos for me it'd be greatly appreciated. I'm not sure how long beer bribery will last...

What are you planning to wear for spring? I just want the winter weather to bugger off now. Its made its point- we all get it.

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