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Sunday, 1 September 2019

The Daily Goal Setter* and how I Organise My Life

Its been a while since I’ve posted. Summer has been busy but now that its September, I’m ready to get my sh*t together and get organised again. I always feel like a new school year is also a fresh start for us working lot too and I’ve been putting into practice some goal setting and mindfulness through the Daily Goal Setter plus some other tips on tricks on how to get organised. 

photo of She's A Gentry using her Daily Goal Setter Planner from Mal Paper

I was very kindly sent the Daily goal Setter from Mal Paper and on first impressions I thought it looked pretty damn gorgeous, especially teamed with my Kate Spade handbag. How sad am I? haha. But yes looks wise it is oh so pretty yet simplistic and the quality is definitely there, making it feel luxe and I was eager to use it. The first few pages give examples of how to list your to dos and weekly overview which is excellent for setting you up in the right frame of mind to tackle your chores and run those errands in a productive and effective way.

Daily Goal Setter Planner from Mal Paper

So what makes this planner stand out from the rest? Well, it’s not just about being productive with this planner but also takes into consideration the need to be mindful. A lot of us can get carried away with ploughing through a to do list without stopping to think about hat we’ve appreciated or our affirmation for that day. Admittedly on some particularly bad days I found it somewhat difficult to decide what I was grateful for but it does make you stop and think and realise that a) it’s not all bad and b) you still have wonderful things to be thankful for in your life despite what other crap may be going on. I also love that at the end of the day it asks you to reflect on your day so it’s almost like a brief diary that you can look back and summarise.

Daily Goal Setter Planner from Mal Paper

Another key part of the goal setter I’ve found incredibly useful and such an ingenious simple touch is the idea of prioritising your list. Anything on the A list is a definite requirement whereas B1. B 2 etc could be if I’m on a good run and C1. C2. I would class as the if I get chance/ if the mood strikes me type task. This has freed up my head so much to think right what I can realistically get done today, what must I get done today, what would I like to do but isn’t urgent. For an obsessively organised person like myself this little tool has been a life saver and helped me to really think about what is important.

Daily Goal Setter Planner from Mal Paper

So how do I organise myself aside from a planner? Well as I say I love to be organised and ahead of myself so that future me is less stressed and worries less. They’re simple things, some more obvious than others but here’s what I’ve found works for me.

photo of She's A Gentry using her Daily Goal Setter Planner from Mal Paper

Other Tips

- Sync notes for the food shop
Yup. Sod scrappy bits of paper and wondering who’s turn it is to go get the shop! If you have an iPhone and live with a partner, friend r whatever, add them to a notes list! It syncs with their phone so when you add something to the food list they get it too. This has revolutionized shopping in our house as when one of us uses the last of an item, we add it to the list and voila its bought rather than thinking “ooh must add that to scrappy paper list” and then forget. You always have your phone with you but a paper food shop list? Not so much. 

- Reminders reminders reminders. 
Again another iPhone feature but I’m sure android devices must have a similar function. I add reminders to go off on my phone all the time. No joke I have them go off everyday. From silly things to, get some chicken out the freezer to, doctors appointment tomorrow, I have it all on my reminders. Who wants to store their brain with things to remember when you can brain dump it onto your phone and forget about it? Use your memory for much more interesting things rather than oh god I forgot to buy cat litter again, sigh… 

- Batch meals
Not only are these cheap to mass make and freeze but I find them so handy to get organised. I can write out a weekly food menu and know that a couple of times that week (or hell even all week if I have enough batch meals frozen), I can not cook and save time. I also know that I don’t need to add hundreds of fresh ingredients to that weekly shop that I won’t end up using, thus saving money too. Plus a quick microwaved batch meal is so handy on evenings when you have plans and don’t have time to cook! Stews are a big yes, lasagne, anything pasta really and you know a hearty meal is sorted.

- Sunday night prep 
This is the biggest of all my organisation hacks which I do every single week without fail. First things first is lunch prep. I make chicken salad for the next three days…I’ve found three days yup! Some of you may be thinking eew gross but honestly how fresh do you think the pre-made ones are in the supermarkets. Three days is the maximum I’ve found with salad staying fresh and for me I then know I have lunch made up until Wednesday next week and I have an extra portion of time each night after work or before work in the mornings- hurrah! The next one is ironing. I know a lot of people iron as they go or in fact don’t iron at all but I have a uniform and if it’s not been ironed it look like a bag of d*ck. So I iron for the week and know that when I go to wear said uniform it’s ready to go, b ish bash bosh.

- Night before prep
 If you come to my house the night before work my kitchen will have my plate, cup and cutlery laid out ready for the next morning. I even have my lunch bag prepped with non fridge needed drink and snacks! Call me crazy but honestly I am not a morning person so anything to make the day start easier and I’m all for it. It takes just seconds for me to do the night before whereas on the morning when I’m slugglish and still waking up I’ve been known to put orange juice on my cereal and the kettle in the fridge…

So those are just some of my little tips and tricks. They won’t be for everyone but for me they work and honestly I find myself feel a lot less stressed because of it. I hate being unorganised and I love to plan and prep. My brain likes it.

photo of She's A Gentry using her Daily Goal Setter Planner from Mal Paper

I hope you found this helpful and if you have any hacks of your own I would LOVE to read them in the comments!

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