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Friday, 11 August 2017

But first, coffee... Two Chimps to be specific

Two Chimps Coffee Review

A few weeks back I was invited down to Two Chimps HQ for a spot of coffee tasting and monkey business... Intrigued to find out more, Chris and I jumped in the car and headed for beautiful Rutland where we were greeted by the dynamic duo whose aim is to bridge the gap between instant/coffee pod drinkers and speciality coffee.

Two Chimps Coffee review

In their head quarters were big hessian sacks full or coffee beans ready to be roasted as they are or ground in their machine just before posting out to their coffee lovers.

Two Chimps Coffee

Two Chimps Coffee

The smell of rich coffee filled our nostrils as we were shown around the equipment and the chimps explained the coffee roasting process to us in great detail. The coffee is sourced from various places, which changes with the seasons. I'd never have thought that one of the places their coffee would be sourced from would be Papa New Guinea but low and behold the beans have a great tasting flavour. For each new bean, a new coffee name is given and as you can see the chimps have certainly had fun with the names!

Two Chimps Coffee Review

My favourite name had to be The Bearded Auntie which claims to be a good all round coffee to drink at any time of the day. Whilst we were there we tried Time Flies, Chimps Don't and Morning Glory- both having very distinct and delicious tastes. I actually tried both types black which is unlike me; normally having a milky sugar filled cup but I could really taste the flavours and milk would have only ruined it- particularly Morning Glory as it's quite a fruity and citrus taste. Morning Glory definitely had a kick to it- perfect for that kick start first thing and had me buzzing whereas Time Flies Chimps Don't is more relaxed and easy to drink throughout the day.

Two Chimps Coffee

I openly admitted my shame to the chimps (and to Chris' disgust) that I am guilty of drinking coffee pods and instant coffee most of the time but they reassured me that their brand isn't about preaching how you should and shouldn't drink their coffee- they just want you to enjoy it.

Two Chimps Coffee

So how did they get into making coffee? Well, like all good things it started as a hobby at home which they loved so much that they decided to kick start it into a business which supplies excellent coffee to surrounding businesses and coffee subscribers all over the country. Their story was truly inspiring and you could see they had a real passion for the artisan coffee they create. Feeling very inspired (and wired!), we were given some coffee to take home and try for ourselves which of course we set about making the next day at breakfast.

Two Chimps Coffee

A little nervous that we wouldn't be able to replicate the taste as successfully as the Chimps, Chris and I followed the easy how-to instructions on the coffee bags to make up a cafetiere of goodness.

Two Chimps Coffee

Two Chimps Coffee

Needless to say, the coffee tasted amazing, again I had it black and we have been drinking it every morning since! Having just run out, we're due to put in an order over on their website and love the fact that there are no P&P charges on top of your order and free first class delivery- High five! The website it also interactive and will ask you questions like when you drink your coffee to determine what coffee they think will suit you best- brilliant!

I've definitely been converted to drinking proper coffee and have steered well clear of the pods at work. I'm really excited to put in our next order and try a new flavour too and would highly recommend you give it a try!

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