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Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Loving, Needing, Meh!

Image from Laura Ashley

This post is 100% inspired by the lovely Lucy at From Lucy, With Love who came up with this idea. It's a regular feature on her blog and I thought I'd try it for myself!

Last week was a super busy one, enjoyable but also stressful. Here's my round up:


  • James Bay's song Let it Go. Don't get confused with the Frozen song my friends. This song is a piece of beauty and I literally fall in love with it more every time I hear it. So gorgeous!
  • Festive food, drink, and family. I spent the weekend with my wonderful husband, dad and sister before we go away for Christmas. The atmosphere was so cheery, you can't beat this time of year!
  • Home delivery. I did ALL of my Christmas shopping online this year and having it delivered is such bliss. No jostling in crowds or crazy Black Friday for me!
  • Early morning dog walks. I've been a bit poorly recently so dog walks before work got put on the back burner. I've gotten back into the swing of it and I'm so glad as there's something so tranquil and calm about taking the hound out first thing in the morning. He loves it too!


  • To get organised with moving in the new year. I really ought to hire a van sooner rather than later and order some bits for the house!
  • More hours in the day, I have so much I want and need to get done and several lists of things to tick off. Everything accelerates in December!


  • If you're not familiar with my Youtube channel then you may not know I'm off to America for Christmas. This is all super exciting however when the flights were booked I lived in Cyprus...after speaking to the airline I have to get the flight from Cyprus to London or my second flight from London to America gets cancelled... So looks like I'm going to Cyprus and coming back for the sake of the second flight not getting cancelled!! It works out cheaper to do that than re-book. Talk about ridiculous right!? Fuming doesn't even cut it.. however this could make for an interesting vlog on me and Chris's Vlog Channel! This also explains my ranting tweets on Twitter last week...
So that's my weekly round up! I hope you enjoyed this style of post for a change. Have a great week!

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