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Sunday, 16 March 2014

The Sunday Post- how I spent my weekend

Evening all, hope you've all had a fun filled weekend!

I've been having a chilled one with my first week back in Cyprus proving to be a nice relaxing one, with a bit of wedding craft (blog post coming up soon) and some dog walking. There's a lovely little beach near to where we live and it's great to head down there for some fresh air and a doggy paddle!

Dress- thrifted (originally Primark)
Denim waistcoat- Primark
Rock sea shoes- eBay

PLEASE NOTE that those shoes are purely for the water and walking over the rocks! The hieght f fashion I know, but once I was out of the water I was back in my ballet pumps. The rock shoes are god damn hideous but practical for the daaaawg. I love this dress so much, it reminds me of seasides abroad and generally jolliness. I remember seeing it in Primark and ummed and arred about buying it. Then the next time I went in it had sold out- typical! My top tip with Primark is if you're not sure- get it anyway then decide when you get home. 

Saturday night Chris and I decided to be super adult and make a den in our living room! Armed with blankets, throws and chairs, this is our creation! Of course fairy lights were added- it's not a proper den without fairy lights ye know..

It was of course an adult den as we equipped it with supplies of wine and chocolate...yum!! Our cat decided to join us too.. We had her spayed this week hence the cone of shame!

 I would highly recommend making a den even if you are at the tender age of 25 like me. It's so much fun and makes a night in a bit more fun and silly but also romantic if you have a other half. We loved it and even put pics of it on Facebook which went down a treat! Everyone was totes jealous...

So that was our lazy lovely weekend, what did you guys get up to?

Beauty haul to come next week! Stay tuned!


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